Dream Again Guide


Daring to trust God with desire.

To dream again or not?

If you’re anything like me, dreaming feels like the least productive, weakest muscle, and maybe not the highest priority. Most of us are not being encouraged to dream. We’re not being invited to cast wild vision about our lives.

Our culture wants us to keep up, keep hustling, and live uninspired, distracted and defeated. But with God, it’s different. He wants His kids to dream again. He wants to partner with us for our healing, His glory, and for the good of others. His kingdom comes when His will is done, and much of scripture shows us that His will is done after His willing children begin to dream.

If you don’t feel like dreaming, that’s when you need to the most.

This guide will help.

Use this 40-page guide to uncover desire, dream again, and keep going.

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